Monday, August 31, 2015

Software Security - Week 6 - Notes

Penetration Testing- Introduction

[SOUND]    Penetration testing, or pen testing for    short, is a direct assessment of the    security of a complete software system.    Its goal is to find    evidence of insecurity,    typically taking the form of    exploitable vulnerabilities.    Pen testing is a black hat activity done    by so-called red teams or tiger teams, and    employed for the good purpose of finding    security defects prior to deployment.    What is the target of a penetration test?    The focus can be any of several    different levels of a system made up    of executable components.    We can fuzz test single programs or we can    look at complete applications, like web    applications, consisting of communicating    programs, the browser and server.    We can even look at entire networks,    looking for    weaknesses that cross    application boundaries,    where one system could be exploited    to then take advantage of another.    In all cases, we're looking at    whole programs, not parts thereof,    like code fragments or    configuration files, libraries and so on.    Now who are pen testers,    and how do they work?    Well pen testers are teams    that use guile and    automated tools to find security issues.    A good pen tester is creative,    thinking carefully about how a system is    put together to find assumptions    that turn out to be weaknesses.    Good tool support is essential for    an effective pen testing engagement.    As the pen tester comes up with    hypotheses about potential weaknesses,    tool support can be used to    systematically probe a target and    see if those weaknesses are present.    Pen testing is carried about by the, late    in the development process by a team that    is different from the one    that built the system.    Having a separate team ensures that    the target is given a fresh look.    Developers can have blind spots    about their own software and    a separate team can help see past those.    A separate team is also useful in that pen    testing requires a specialized skill set    and this skill set can be developed    across multiple projects.    The pen testing team may be told a lot or    a little about the system that they    are testing, and given a lot or a little    access to its deployment environment.    We might, on the one hand, try to simulate    the access that an attacker should have.    For example, only from outside a company    firewall, via forward facing components.    On the other hand,    we might provide more access or    information to model an attack    by a company insider.    In general, giving an adversary    more powers gives a better    idea of how the system holds up    if some defenses fail to hold.    That said, if the design was against a    weaker threat model than it's being tested    against, then it shouldn't be surprising    that we'll find additional issues, and    discovered issues should be assessed and    kept in perspective.    Pen testing has been around for    quite a while.    As computers were coming into wider use in    the 1960s, time sharing operating systems    emerged, which allowed multiple users    to use a computer at the same time.    Previously, computers were    largely used in batch mode,    running one program at a time    which left no remnant behind.    Time sharing with per user storage    introduced new security challenges.    In particular, operators were worried that    one user might present a security risk to    another user.    As such, a task force of experts    headed by Willis Ware of    the RAND Corporation was    formed to look at the issue.    His team produced a report in 1967 that    came to be known as the Ware Report.    Many of the ideas that we have discussed    in this class were first brought to    light in the Ware Report.    For example, the different    categories of security policy,    confidentiality, integrity and so on.    Relevant to our current discussion,    the report also used the term    penetration to describe a successful    attack on a computer system.    By the 1970s, the government was regularly    using teams to assess the security of    computer systems by    trying to penetrate them.    These teams were referred to as red teams,    or tiger teams.    Today, penetration testing is a mature    field, with services provided by    independent companies, as well as    divisions within larger organizations.    Much of the buzz about cybersecurity,    particularly among students,    focuses around penetrations,    which are gamified in CTF, or    capture the flag competitions,    like DefCon.    There is also a penetration    testing certification organized by    the Information Assurance    Certification Review Board, or IACRB.    The certification is based on    both conceptual material and    a demonstration of skills by    hacking into a target VM.    Why should we do pen testing?    Well, it has several benefits.    First, penetrations are certain.    After all, they have been demonstrated.    Hopefully, they also come    with some reusable evidence.    For example, evidence of an SQL injection    could be the exploit payload entered in    a form field of a web application.    As such, unlike errors produced by,    say, code reviews or    static analysis tools,    penetrations are not hypothetical.    By virtue of the fact that    they are applied to whole,    deployable components they are also    relevant under realistic configurations.    And, just as they are not hypothetical,    they're not wrong.    Penetrations are not, or    are rarely, false alarms.    Pen testing has non-technical    benefits as well.    One of them is a feel good factor.    After completing an engagement those    responsible for the target system can feel    like they have really improved security or    will soon once they fix the issues.    And this is because they have found real    vulnerabilities that probably would have    gone unfixed and could really    have been exploited in the wild.    Before this point,    such vulner, vulnerabilities were    only hypothetical, not made manifest.    Now on the other hand,    penetration testing is not a panacea.    We have to be careful not to assume we're    getting more out of it than we really are.    Most importantly,    penetration testing will not find all of    a system's security problems.    As such, an absence of any    discoveries does not imply    the absence of vulnerabilities.    Likewise, fixing    vulnerabilities that were found,    if any, does not mean that none are left.    Penetration testers may not even have    looked for certain sorts of problems,    depending on the rules of the engagement    and the assumptions of the threat model.    Security, to the extent that pen testing    has established it, is ephemeral.    We cannot rest on our laurels.    When you change the software, the    configuration, the network topology, and    so on, you potentially    create new vulnerabilities.    Why?    Well, an important thing to keep in    mind is that security, in general,    is not compositional.    This observation was first    made by Leslie Lamport,    recent Turing Award winner,    back in the 1970's.    What it means is that two components    that are secure on their own    are not necessarily secure    when used in combination.    Penetration testing looks at the whole    system and that's its advantage, but    subsequent changes might break a component    and thus compromise the system.    Even worse, a change to one component    might not break that component, but    could break the whole system anyway    due to the lack of compositionality.    As such, we must employ    the other processes discussed in    this course to reduce the chances as much    as possible that we break components.    And we must employ whole system testing    to ensure that the composition works too.    In short, despite its limitations,    penetration testing is something    very much worth doing.    Okay, in the remainder of this unit,    we're going to consider two parts.    First, we present an overview    of pen testing and    the tools that are commonly    used by pen testers.    We will see that pen testing    is both art and science.    As an art form it relies on the creativity    and ingenuity of the pen tester.    As clearly successful techniques emerge,    pen testing moves to becoming a science.    And the fruits of this science    are turned into tools and    automation that subsequent    pen testers can use.    And we'll look at several    tools in particular.    First, Nmap is a tool for scanning    networks, probing for computers and    other devices that might    be targets of attack.    Zap, another tool to look at,    is a web proxy that intercepts    communications between a web browser and    a web server, allowing the pen tester to    see what's going on and to manipulate    it looking for vulnerabilities.    Third, metasploit is a tool for    developing and deploying exploits.    It is highly configurable with a tool    kit that pen testers can use to find and    exploit vulnerabilities.    Now in the second part of the unit    we'll consider fuzz testing or    fuzzing, a technique that many pe,    penetration testing yules, tools employ.    Fuzz testing works by    corrupting inputs and    interactions between target components.    The goal is to see whether such    corruptions will cause the system to    break in a way that could    be exploited in an attack.    And we'll consider several tools and    techniques that have    proven to be successful.        

Pen Testing

 What is penetration testing?    Penetration testing is the process    of trying to find exploitable    vulnerabilities in complete systems or    system components.    And it is both an art and a science.    Pen testers must be creative.    They must think about how a system    is put together, and poke it and    probe it to see where assumptions made    by designers represent weaknesses.    Pen testers will cleverly    adapt to what they find    as they gain a foothold in one place.    They may use that foothold to    exploit a weakness somewhere else.    Over time,    certain patterns of weaknesses emerge.    Many systems will be incorrectly built or    misconfigured in the same sort of ways.    When patterns are discovered, we can    build tools that systematically look for    those patterns, or try to exploit them.    In a sense, this is ingenuity automated.    As Donald Knuth once said, science is    something we understand well enough to    tell to a computer,    while art is everything else.    A pen tester's job is to    find vulnerabilities in    the applications being penetration tested.    What's in a pen tester's bag of tricks    to make him successful at that job?    Well, a penetration tester    needs to approach a target    knowing a lot about the target domain.    For example, if the pen tester    is attacking web applications,    then the pen tester needs to know    a lot about how the web works.    You also need to know how systems    are built in that domain.    For example, what protocols allow    applications to communicate.    For the web, that's HTTP and TCP, and IP.    The languages that are used to build    applications like PHP, Java, or Ruby for    talking about the web.    Or frameworks that used to build    applications or application components    like, for the web, Ruby on Rails,    DreamWeaver, Drupal, and so on.    You also want to know common    weaknesses from that domain.    For example, the bugs that are common to    web applications like SQL injections or    cross-site scripting, or    cross-site request forgery.    Or common misconfigurations or    bad designs, like the use of    default passwords or hidden files.    Continuing our example    of pen testing the web.    Consider one professional's point of    view of what web hacking is about.    70% of the process is simply    messing with parameters.    So for example, if the target URL is the    following, which you can imagine is what    one might generate when clicking a button    to buy an item on an online store.    You can try to change the url to change    the price and see what happens, or    change the item number to see    if you can buy something else.    This would demonstrate    the client parameters or    unwisely trusted by the web application.    Or you can try to insert a script in    the parameters that are set in the url.    If this works, and maybe it's    susceptible to cross site scripting, or    you could had structural characters to    the URL, for example, to see whether or    not you can inject other sorts of code.    Another 10% of web hacking    might be default passwords.    That is, research what    the default password might be and    try it out to see whether or    not the target has changed it.    This research could be    through online searches or    through looking at user manuals.    Another 10% might be hidden files and    directories.    Again, you could look through manuals for    clues or you could just try out a bunch of    common file names on the directory    by typing in different URLs.    You might find password files,    or other administrative pages.    And the remaining 10%    might be other things,    like authentication problems,    such as bypass or replay.    Or insecure web services, that is,    ones that provide APIs that don't    require any authentication.    Or configuration page that    gives away passwords.    Now let's talk about    some pen testing tools.    Pen testers use tools for    a variety of tasks.    They use them to probe the target system,    to understand important    characteristics about it.    Pen testers also use tools to    gather information about a system.    And perhaps test hypotheses about it.    For example, they may see how    it responds to certain stores,    certain sorts of stimulus.    Finally, pen testers will use tools    to actually exploit a target system    to demonstrate an actual    vulnerability in it.    Now there are many possible security    tools out there, which should we use?    Well, the answer depends on the target    of our test and of our goal.    If we're pen testing a network, then    tools should explore the entire network.    Its components, its topology and    so on looking for issues.    If we're targeting a single machine,    tools might help us figure out what    files are on that machine, and    what software it's running, and    what exploits it's susceptible to.    If the target of our pen    test is a single program,    then tools will help us to explore that    program's attack surface to see where it    might handle input incorrectly.    And as such be vulnerable to an attack.    The first tool we'll consider is Nmap,    which is used for network probing.    Nmap stands for network mapper,    and it will figure out for    you what hosts are available    on the network.    What services, that is application name    and version, those hosts are offering.    What operating systems    the hosts are running, and    what type of packet filters or firewalls    are in use, and many other things.    Nmap works by sending raw IP packets into    the network and observing the effects.    You can give it a range of addresses and    it will send packets to those    addresses watching how the hosts that it    tries to find at those addresses respond.    Nmap is free open source though there    are commercial variants as well, and    you can get it here at this url    So in a little more detail,    here's now Nmap might find hosts and    services by sending pings    to various IP addresses.    In particular, it might send    ICMP Echo Request or Timestamp requests.    These are the implementation    of the standard ping protocol.    Now, sometimes these packets are dropped    by routers or firewalls, and    so other packets should    be injected as well.    We might send TCP SYN or TCP SYN/ACK    messages to ports 443 or ports 80.    If we get any sort of response,    that suggests that an HTTP or    HTTPS server, that is,    web servers are running on these ports.    Nmap will try other things as well as,    as designated by the operator.    That is, it might send UDP packets,    that is,    User Datagram Protocol packets,    to particular ports.    And it might fill out those packets to    look like what's expected of packets on    those ports.    For example, DNS often uses UDP,    where DNS is the domain name service, and    we could send DNS packets to that port and    see whether or    not there is a domain name server    running at a particular address.    Nmap will also send probes to other    TCP ports, for example, looking for    web servers or    other TCP based services like FTP.    And it will send probes that may illicit    different responses on different operating    systems in an attempt to fingerprint    which machines it's talking to.    Nmap can also attempt to be stealthy.    A flurry of activity may be detected    by an intrusion detection system.    And so    Nmap can be configured to emit packets at    a slower rate to stay under the radar.    Another common tool in a pen    tester's arsenal is a web proxy.    Web applications are common    pen testing targets.    And web proxies are useful because    they sit between the browser and    server capturing packets.    They'll display any packets    that are exchanged and    allow the pen tester to modify them.    Some proxies have additional features for    vulnerability scanning, exploitation,    site probing, and so on.    One example of a web proxy is Zap,    the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy.    It provides a GUI that the pen tester can    use to inspect or modify captured packets.    It can allow the pin tester    to set break points so    that packets can go through quickly until    a certain condition is met at which point    the exchange is stopped and the pin tester    can have a look or make a modification.    Zap has several other features too,    like active scanning which will    attempt cross side scripting,    SQL injection and so on.    Fuzzing, in which the proxy sends    context-specific payloads to    see whether it can crash or    otherwise corrupt the web application.    And a spider that explores a site to    construct a model of its structure.    And this is useful to give a pen tester    sort of a lay of the land of what the site    is about and give him an idea of where to    look for hidden URLs and things like that.    Zap is free and    open source, but commercial tools are    available as well such as the Burp suite.    This is quite popular among    professional testers.    There is a free version of it, but the    professional version actually doesn't cost    that much more and    provides many useful features.    The third and final tool we'll    consider that a pen tester may    find useful is Metasploit.    Metasploit is quite popular.    It's an advanced open-source platform for    developing testing and using exploit code.    It provides an extensible model    through which payloads encoders no-op    generators and    exploits can be integrated together.    It works by allowing the pen    tester to script attacks.    These scripts take several steps.    First, probe the remote site looking for    vulnerable services.    Based on what's found,    construct a payload.    Encode the payload to avoid detection.    For example, by introducing superfluous    features that intrusion detection    systems will be confused about,    and therefore, fail to block.    Inject the payload and wait for    shellcode to connect back.    In the end, you'll have a command prompt    that you can use post-expoitation.    So here's how it works, visually depicted.    On the left, we see the pen tester    armed with Metasploit and some scripts.    And on the right,    we see the target network.    Two of the servers on the network    are patched, but one of them is not.    In step one, Metasploit probes    the vulnerable target systems, and    maybe it's able to find    the vulnerable server.    Next, it constructs the attack payload,    which it then sends along,    according to the script, triggering the    vulnerability and compromising the target.    In the best case, the target will connect    back, providing the remote shell.    The Metasploit framework has a bunch of    different ways to support    user interaction.    For example, the msfconsole is an    interactive type based command prompt for    executing Metasploit commands.    There's also a web based front end and    a command line interface    from the normal shell.    All of these support probing and    communication commands,    payload construction and encoding, and    support active and passive attacks.    Active attacks are those that involve    connecting to a remote service.    While passive attacks are those    involve setting up the service and    letting clients connect to you.    Meterpreter is a command processor that's    actually injected into the target.    For example,    in the memory of a compromised process.    If someone on the target system    were to look at the process table,    they would not see that anything is amiss.    They would see all the programs running    that they expect to see running.    Unknown to them,    inside one of those programs is    actually running a meterpreter,    which is following the commands from    the remote metasploit operator.    Obviously, this permits the pen    tester to probe more stealthily.    Msfpayload and msfencode are tools    that generate stealthy shellcode.    Msfpayload generates the payload.    Msfencode encodes it to    make it hard to detect.    Metasploit comes with    hundreds of modules and    script developed by a broad    community over time.    These include exploits against particular    vulnerabilities, along with stagers and    other modifiers that generalize    the exploits to different platforms.    Tools for password sniffing.    Privilege escalation.    And keylogging and backdoors.    All of these can be combined    together using scripts to    generate very sophisticated exploits,    and there's much more.    Kali is a Linux distribution    with many open-source pen    testing tools installed and configured.    These include the ones we have already    mentioned Nmap, Zap, Metasploit, and    the Burp Suite and dozens of other    ones such as John the Ripper for    password cracking, Valgrind for dynamic    binary analysis, Reaver for WiFi password    cracking, peepdf for scanning PDF files    for attack vectors and many more.    Overall, there are many, many pen    testing tools that are available, all in    different levels of use, and many of them    are installed on this Kali distribution.    As I mentioned earlier in this unit, gives a comprehensive list.    At this point, I want to make    a note about ethical hacking.    Penetration testing tools are meant    to reveal security vulnerabilities so    that they can be fixed, not so    that they can be exploited in the wild for    the purposes of crime or harm.    But it is true that people will use    these penetration testing tools for    nefarious purposes.    In that way,    they are sort of two way tools.    Just as guns can be used to defend,    guns can be used to attack.    Don't be someone who uses    pen testing tools to attack.       


[NOISE]    What is fuzz testing?    Fuzz testing is basically a kind of random    testing which is a kind of testing in    which inputs for a test case    are generated randomly or semi randomly.    The goal of fuzz testing is to make    sure that bad things don't happen.    By bad things I mean crashes    such as due to memory errors or    uncaught exceptions or    hangs do to non-termination.    As we have seen memory errors often    correspond to exploitable vulnerabilities.    And thus are security critical.    Non-termination is also a security problem    since it can create a denial of service.    Now, these are not the only bad things,    of course.    For example,    a program could produce the wrong output.    But a fuzz tester doesn't know    anything about what the outputs of    his tests should be.    The fuzz testing tool only knows that    those tests should not hang or crash.    As such, fuzz testing is a very useful but    a very limit endeavor.    It complements, but does not replace    traditional functional testing.    In fact, functional tests can be    the starting point for fuzz tests.    Input from functional tests is    assumed to be legitimate and    fuzz test can therefore derive    input from these legitimate tests.    There are three basic kinds of fuzzing.    The first is black box fuzzing.    In this case the testing tool    knows nothing about the program or    its input format.    And instead just generates random    inputs to throw at that program.    Now this is very easy to use,    and to get started using.    But, in the end it may explore only    shallow states in the program,    unless it gets very lucky.    Grammar based fuzzing works by having    the tool generate input informed by    a grammar that describes the input    format expected by the target program.    Now this is more work to use, because    the operator needs to define the grammar.    But on the other hand, it will often    go deeper in the program's state space.    In particular, a grammar-based fuzzer    will be able to get past the well    formedness checks that the target program    probably is implementing on its input, and    therefore will be able to cover    more parts of the program.    The last kind of fuzzer    is a white box fuzzer.    In this case the tool generates new inputs    at least partially informed by the code of    the target program itself.    Now these tools are often easy to use,    because the fuzzing tool itself is able to    look at the code and decide what inputs to    generate to go to different parts    of that target program's code.    But as a result,    they can be computationally expensive.    Because they'll involve    things like theorem provers.    There are different ways that    fuzzing tools generate inputs to    pass to the target program.    The most common way is by mutation.    In this case, the fuzzer takes a legal    input provided by the operator and    mutates it,    using that as an input instead.    Such legal inputs might be human    produced or automated, for    example from a grammar or    SMT solver query.    The mutation might also be    forced to adhere to a grammar.    Legal inputs are often borrowed    from legitimate functional tests.    The second way that inputs    are produced is generational.    In this case,    the tool generates an input from scratch.    It might do so entirely randomly.    Or it might do so    following a grammar to the program.    And there may be combinations of these for    example, we could generate    an initial input.    Then mutated n times, generate new inputs,    mutate those, and so on.    And of course mutations could be    generated according to a grammar too.    That is if the original program's    input adheres to a grammar,    then we create mutations to that input    that are informed by that grammar to    make sure that it is likely to get    further into the program's state space.    Now there are two basic    ways that fuzzers are used.    One is as file-based fuzzers, and    the other is as network-based fuzzers.    So let's look at the file-based approach.    What's going to happen here is the fuzzing    tool will mutate or generate inputs.    It will then run the target program    using those inputs and see what happens.    So here it is visualized.    An example of a file based fuzzer    is Radamsa, another one is Blab.    Radamsa is a mutation-based,    black box fuzzer.    It mutates inputs that are given,    passing them along to the target program.    So here's an interaction with Radamsa,    we start by echoing a legal input,    passing it to Radamsa.    Radamsa's arguments include a random seed,    as well as the number of random    input mutations to generate.    You can see here that the inputs that    Radamsa produced are variations of    the input it originally received.    Now, Radamsa can sit in between    the generation of normal inputs and    the receiving target program as follows.    Here we're showing that    the original input, which is    a legal arithmetic expression that we    might pass to the calculator program bc.    Can have that input fuzzed by Radamsa    first before bc is able to operate on it.    Blab is a grammar-based fuzzer.    The grammars are specified by    the user as regular expressions and    context-free grammars.    So as an example, Blab would take    a regular expression as a command line    argument, describing the legal input    space, and using that regular expression,    it can generate an input that can    be fed to the target program.    Another example of a file-based    fuzzer is American Fuzzy Lop.    It is a mutation-based,    white-box fuzzer, and    it works according to    the following process.    We being by instrumenting the target    program to gather run-time information.    This is how it uses the code to    determine what the next inputs ought to    be to improve coverage.    The instrumentation it inserts,    tracks tuples that indicate where    the program's execution has taken it.    And these tuples consist of the ID of    the current code location-you can think of    this as just the line number.    End an ID of the last code location    before reaching the current one.    With the instrumented program in hand, we    run a test and we mutate the test input to    create a new test if an unseen    tuple was generated by that test.    Otherwise, the test was not useful for    covering new spaces of the program and    we simply discard it.    Mutations consist of things    like bit flips, arithmetic and    other standard sorts of things    used by mutation-based fuzzers.    After running for a while, American Fuzzy    Lop will periodically cull the gathered    tests to avoid getting    stuck in local minima.    In a sense it will stop making    small local changes to tests.    And instead make one big change to    try to jump to a different part of    the states base.    So here's an example interaction.    We can start by running afl-gcc.    This is meant to be a drop in    replacement for the gcc c compiler.    Afl-gcc will instrument the target and    pass it along to gcc for compilation.    Using the instrumented target program,    we call it afl-fuzz.    And this starts the process    of fuzz testing.    This will run for a long time, and produce    diagnostics as it discovers failing tests.    Another example of a white    box fuzzer is SAGE, and    this uses symbolic execution as its    underlying test generation technology.    We talked about SAGE in the prior    unit on symbolic execution.    Another kind of fuzzer is    a network-based fuzzer.    In one role it can act as one    half of a communicating pair.    Sending messages to and from a target    program, trying to get it to crash.    Inputs could be produced by replaying    a previously recorded interaction and    mutating it.    Whereby producing an interaction    from scratch, for    example from a protocol grammar.    Here we can imagine the interaction    specification being given to the fuzzer.    The fuzzer can then interact    with the target mutating that    interaction input until    the target potentially crashes.    Another role for a network-based fuzzer    is to act as a man in the middle,    mutating inputs exchanged between parties,    again,    with those mutations possibly    informed by a grammar.    An example of a network-based    fuzzer is SPIKE.    SPIKE is a fuzzer creation kit and it    provides a C language API for programming    fuzzers in C that interact with remote    servers using network-based protocols.    The way that a programmer uses SPIKE is to    create a series of blocks that form parts    of protocol messages, and to leave holes    in those blocks that spike can fuzz.    As an example, we might start off    by specifying a size string call.    This indicates that in the protocol,    a length field for    the rest of the packet will go here.    We don't know what that length yet    will be, so    we leave a place for it using size string.    Next we specify the start of the block,    whose length we're interested in, and    we specify some contents of that block.    If we want to insert constants    we can use the S string call,    here we use the S string variable call    where the argument is a prefix of    the fuzzed component so user equal    Bob will be included in the block and    then a bunch of random    texts will follow it.    We end the block and    this will determine the length which    can get back patched at the start.    Spike then allows you to connect to    a particular host and port by a TCP.    Send the block, and    then close the connection.    Of course there are many other examples    and interactions that Spike permits.    Another example network    fuzzer is Burp Intruder.    It's one element of the Burp suite.    Burp automates customized attacks    against web applications, and    it's similar to SPIKE in allowing the user    to craft a template of a request, but    leave holes, which it calls payloads,    for fuzzing by the tool.    Unlike SPIKE, which is a programming API,    BURP Intruder provides a nice,    GUI front end.    And BURP Intruder integrates with the rest    of the BURP Suite, which includes a proxy,    scanner, spider and many other tools.    Okay, so you've been penetration testing,    you're using fuzzing, and a crash occurs.    You have questions.    For example, what is the root cause of    the crash that the fuzzer found, so    that we can fix it.    In order to figure this out we might ask,    is there a way to make the input smaller    so that it's more understandable or    are two or more crashes signaling what    is effectively the same bug, that is    do they minimize to the same input so    that when removing superfluous    differences they result in a crash.    Some tools provide some assistance    in answering these questions.    For example in trying to make    the input smaller automatically.    Sometimes though the operator needs    to figure this out for himself.    Another important question is weather    a crash is security relevant.    That is does it signal the possibility    of an exploitable vulnerability.    Now a crash due to dereferencing    a NULL pointer is rarely exploitable,    particularly when running    a user space program.    But buffer overruns more often can be.    Memory errors are particularly    difficult to deal with after fuzzing,    because the effects of a memory error may    occur well after the point at which it    originally takes place.    That is if you over run a buffer and    scribble over some portion of memory.    The program will not immediately crash.    Only when that scribbled over memory is    re-used will the program go the wrong way.    One way to make it so that crashes happen    immediately upon overriding buffers is to    use Address Sanitizer.    This is a tool that can    instrument a program so    that accesses to arrays check for    overflows and use after free errors.    Given your instrumented program, you can    fuzz it, and if the program crashes with    an ASAN-signaled error then you can    start worrying about exploitability.    You can do the same trick with    other sorts of error checkers for    the purposes of testing.    For example, valgrind memcheck is another    way of looking for memory errors.    We've discussed several example fuzzers so    far and the basics of fuzzing overall, and    there are yet    more fuzzers that are available for use.    For example,    the CERT Basic Fuzzing Framework, or    BFF, based in part on an earlier fuzzer,    Zzuf, is freely available, and    it has been used to find bugs in commonly    used software, like Adobe Reader,    Flash Player, Apple's Preview and    QuickTime, and many others.    Sulley is a fuzzing tool    that provides lots of    extras to manage the fuzzing process.    In addition to the core technology    of generating random inputs to    find useful test cases,    Sulley wrote, watch the network and    methodically maintain records    about what's happened.    Instrument and    monitor the health of the target,    capable of reverting to a known    good state if things go awry.    Detecting, tracking and categorizing    detected faults and even fuzzing in    parallel, if that's    desired Let's summarize.    Penetration testing aims to simulate    deployment scenarios involving    determined attackers.    The goal is to see whether the penetration    team can find exploitable vulnerabilities.    If they can they have provided    evidence of true insecurity.    On the other hand the lack of penetrations    is not evidence of their impossibility and    as such designs should    always aim to mitigate and    recover from as yet unknown attacks.    Pin testers employ a variety    of tools in their work.    Ranging from scanners to proxies    to exploit injection and    management tools,    to fuzz testing tools, nevertheless,    tools are no replacement for an ingenious    and thoughtful testing person.    Such a tester will use tools to increase    the coverage, speed, reliability, and    repeatability of her efforts.       

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