Monday, May 16, 2016

Introduction to Cybercrime and Fundamental Issues
Greetings, welcome to the International Cyber Conflicts course. Thank you all for participating in this course. We have students in this course from all around the world including the United States, India, Russia, China. This course is designed for discussing international cyber conflicts that have grown and intensified over the course of time, especially since 2000. 

As the Internet becomes inextricably integrated into the society, both for social interaction and business transactions, the stakes are getting higher for ensuring the continuity for the internet in its current form. However, the forces against it are attempting to split it and fragment it into pieces. There are two fundamental issues that make solving international conflicts difficult. The first, there is anonymity on the Internet and identities can be spoofed. Which means that people can hide behind the group of anonymity and commit crimes and other negative activities without revealing themselves to others. 

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