Thursday, July 28, 2016

Real Time System - Introduction

Real-time systems are found in many everyday applications, from appliances, to automotive systems and even toys. 
What all of these real-time systems have in common?
Any system, whether biological, electrical, mechanical, software or some combination of these, can be modeled as mapping of a set of inputs into a set of outputs. Typical real-time systems have inputs from sensors and imaging devices, from other systems, or from devices controlled by human operators. These inputs are processed so that the system can produce appropriate control signals to various actuators, motors and displays.
There are several important concepts related to real-time systems.
·      Response time
The notion of the time needed by a system to respond to some input. That is, the time between the presentation of a set of inputs to a system and the realization of the required behavior, including the availability of all associated outputs is called the response time of the system. The set of inputs are often called the “stimulus” and the outputs are called the “response”.
·      Real-time system
April1816-30off-programwide468x60A real-time system is a system that must satisfy explicit (and bounded) response time constraints or risk severe consequences. A real-time system is one whose logical correctness is based on both the correctness of the outputs and their timeliness. Therefore, any definition of a real-time system must incorporate some notion of temporal constraint satisfaction. A real-time systems fails if it cannot satisfy one or more of the requirements stipulated in the system requirements specification.
With these concepts in mind, we can finally define a real-time system as one in which logical correctness is based on both the correctness of the outputs and their timeliness. But this definition of “real-time”, while theoretically sound, is too broad to be useful most of the time. Practically speaking, every system has to produce its results within some reasonable deadline, whether that deadline is in microseconds, milliseconds, seconds, minutes, days or months. Therefore we need to specialize the definition of a real-time system.
·      Failed system
·      Soft real-time system
Sitewide-50percentiOS468x60For example, we define a soft real-time system as one in which performance is degraded but not destroyed by failure to meet response-time constraints. Many systems fit this definition from airline reservation systems to banking systems to even many computer games. In fact, every practical system is at least, a soft real-time system.
·      Firm real-time system
A firm real-time system is one in which a few missed deadlines can be tolerated, but missing more than “a few” may lead to complete and catastrophic system failure. Many process control and telecommunications systems fall in this category.
·      Hard real-time system
Finally, we define a hard real-time system as one in which failure to meet a single deadline may lead to complete and catastrophic system failure. For example, you can imagine the consequences of failing to meet a critical deadline in the control of a nuclear plant or vehicular control system.

Challenge to Real Time Systems Engineer?
One of the challenges for the real-time systems engineer is to find ways to transform hard real-time systems into firm or even soft real-time systems. That is, we want to find ways that allow critical systems to occasionally miss an important deadline, but not fail.
April2516-25off-sitewide728X90Consider the software applications shown in the table. The weapons delivery capability, say firing an offensive missile, for some fighter aircraft, would require a hard real-time system because missing the deadline between pressing the fire missile button and actually launching the missile could cause the target to be missed. On the other hand, the navigation control system for some robotic weed killer might be considered to be firm. Here missing an occasional deadline might lead to a few weeds being missed, or a cash crop being accidentally killed. But if the number of these misfires is small enough, these might be acceptable. Finally, in many applications, say, a simulated hockey game for amusement, missing more than a few deadlines might lead to user frustration, but not serious adverse consequences.
One important question to consider is, if real-time systems correctness is defined through meeting deadlines, where do deadlines come from?
They come from a variety of sources including: The physical laws underlying the dynamics of the system, Standards, Regulations, statues, and laws and Customer requirements. Sometimes the deadlines are arbitrary. Whatever the case the source of deadlines should be documented to help with tradeoff engineering and constraint relaxation during the systems engineering process and, later , in maintenance engineering.

Always remember that the key aspect of a real-time system is predicting and bounding performance. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow the system is – these are relative terms. The point is that if you can’t bound the system’s performance, then it is impossible to make guarantees about meeting deadlines.
In almost every complex software or software intensive system, however, bounding performance means giving a confidence interval for some behavior. For example, you might say that upon receiving signal A, the system will respond with output B within 400 milliseconds, 99% of the time. 
And by relaxing some aspect off the behavior, the confidence interval could be refined. For example, in the system just mentioned, it might be possible to respond within 500 milliseconds 99.99% of the time.
These kinds of guarantees can be acceptable, even in the most critical systems. 

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