Tuesday, October 4, 2016

CyberSecurity and X-Factor

Start your future with a Data Analysis Certificate. 

 1.  Which of the following can be conceived as a goal-directed automatic behavior that is mentally represented?

  • Habit
  • Past behavior
  • Past experience
  • Frequency of behavior

Start your future with a Data Science Certificate.

2. Which of the following refers to actions or reactions of a person in response to an external or internal stimuli in the past?

  • Past experience with behavior
  • Past behavior
  • Behavioral frequency
  • Habits

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3. Hofstede's dimensions of national culture include (select all that apply):

  • Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Individualism versus Collectivism
  • Power distance
  • Masculinity versus Femininity

Career skills to jumpstart your future.

4. Which of the following is true about the theory of self-efficacy in relation to preventive health behavior (select all that apply)?

  • the realization that the person is at risk.
  • habits are influenced by self efficacy.
  • the expectation that behavior change will reduce this risk.
  • the expectation that the person is capable enough to adopt preventive behavior or to refrain from risky health behavior.

Start your future with a Business Analytics Certificate.

5. Another term used for non-habitual behavior is _______?

  • non-repeating
  • conscious
  • unconscious
  • non-responsive

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6. They key to changing habitual behavior is _______?

  • reward
  • punishment
  • repetition
  • bribery

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7. A majority of the security breaches are a result of employees making conscious mistakes

  • True
  • False

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8. Which of the following statements is true about habitual behavior?

  • habitual behavior is not a result of past experiences.
  • implementation intention impacts habitual behavior.
  • habitual behavior cannot be changed.
  • habitual behavior is not important enough to be investigated.

Online computer science courses to jumpstart your future.

9. Which of the following are examples of behavior that may result in a security breach from the inside (select all that apply)?

  • Employee finds a USB drive and plugs it in.
  • Employee loses laptop, tablet, or storage device with proprietary information.
  • Employee clicks on suspicious link in an email.
  • Employee ignores security policy to take work home for after hours use.

Coursera Purple CS Design 3
10. ____________ encrypts your files and then offers to sell you the encryption key to retrieve your files.

  • Ransomware
  • Malware
  • Virus
  • Social Engineering

Coursera DS Design 10


  1. 1.habit
    2.past behaviour
    3.all options
    4.except habits are influenced by self efficiacy
    9.all option

  2. these answers will give you 80%

  3. 8.implementation intention impacts habitual behavior.
