Monday, May 29, 2017

Cryptography: Galois Field GF(p)

How Do We Know That GF(23) Is A Finite Field?
We do know that GF (23) is an abelian group because of the operation of polynomial addition satisfies all of the requirements on a group operator and because polynomial addition is commutative.

GF (23) is also a commutative ring because polynomial multiplication distributes over polynomial addition

polynomial multiplication meets all the other stipulations on the ring operator: closedness, associativity, commutativity

GF (23) is an integral domain because of the fact that the set contains the multiplicative identity element 1 and because if for a ∈ GF(23) and b ∈ GF(23) we have

  a×b = 0 mod(x3+x+1)

Then either a = 0 or b = 0.

We now argue that GF (23) is a finite field because it is a finite set and because it contains a unique multiplicative inverse for every non-zero element.

GF (23) contains a unique multiplicative inverse for every non- zero element for the same reason that Z7 contains a unique multiplicative inverse for every non-zero integer in the set.

For a counter example, recall that Z8 does not possess multiplicative inverses for 2, 4, and 6.

Stated formally, we say that for every non-zero element a ∈ GF(23) there is always a unique element b∈GF(23) such that a×b = 1.

The above conclusion follows from the fact if you multiply a non-zero element a with each of the eight elements of GF(23), the result will be the eight distinct elements of GF(23).

Obviously, the results of such multiplications must equal 1 for exactly one of the non-zero element of GF(23).

So if a×b = 1, then b must be the multiplicative inverse for a.

The same thing happens in Z7. If you multiply a non-zero element a of this set with each of the seven elements of Z7, you will get seven distinct answers.

The answer must therefore equal 1 for at least one such multiplication. When the answer is 1, you have your multiplicative inverse for a.

For a counter example, this is not what happens in Z8. When you multiply 2 with every element of Z8, you do not get eight distinct answers.

Multiplying 2 with every element of Z8 yields {0, 2, 4, 6, 0, 2, 4, 6} that has only four distinct elements


For a more formal proof (by contradiction) of the fact that if you multiply a non-zero element a of GF(23) with every element of the same set, no two answers will be the same, let’s assume that this assertion is false. That is, we assume the existence of two distinct b and c in the set such that

a × b ≡ a × c mod (x3 + x + 1)

That implies

a×(b−c) ≡ 0 mod (x3+x+1)

That implies that either a is 0 or that b equals c. In either case, we have a contradiction.

The upshot is that GF (23) is a finite field.
GF(2n) Is A Finite Field For Every N 

GF(2n) is a finite field for every n.

To find all the polynomials in GF (2n), we obviously need an irreducible polynomial of degree n.

AES arithmetic is based on GF (28). It uses the following irreducible polynomial

x8 +x4 +x3 +x+1

In general, GF(pn) is a finite field for any prime p.

The elements of GF(pn) are polynomials over GF(p)

which is the same as the set of residues Zp

Finding the Multiplicative Inverse  

Just as the Euclidean algorithm can be adapted to find the greatest common divisor of two polynomials, the extended Euclidean algorithm can be adapted to find the multiplicative inverse of a polynomial.

Specifically, the algorithm will find the multiplicative inverse of b(x) modulo a(x) if the degree of b(x) is less than the degree of a(x) and gcd[a(x), b(x)] = 1.

If a(x) is an irreducible polynomial, then it has no factor other than itself or 1, so that gcd[a(x), b(x)] = 1.

Given polynomials a(x) and b(x) with the degree of a(x) greater than the degree of b(x), we solve the following equation for the values v(x), w(x), and d(x), where d(x) = gcd[a(x), b(x)]:

  a(x)v(x) + b(x)w(x) = d(x)

If d(x) = 1, then w(x) is the multiplicative inverse of b(x) modulo a(x).

The calculations are as follows.


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