Thursday, February 28, 2019

AD DS - Folder Redirection

What is folder redirection?

Folder redirection directs user files to specific locations
As an alternative to using the individual user account settings, you can use GPOs to manage these settings.  Folder Redirection settings are located in theUser Configuration\Policies\Windows Settings node.
Screenshot of the GP Management Editor showing the Folder Redirection GPOs.
You can redirect everyone or specific groups
For a given sub‑node, such as Documents, you can decide between Basic and Advanced redirection. In Basic redirection, all users affected by the GPO have their Documents folder redirected to an individually named subfolder off a common root folder defined by a UNC name. For example,\\LON‑SVR1\Users\. In Advanced redirection, you can use security group membership to specify where a user’s settings and documents will be stored.
Screenshot of the AppData Roaming properties. The Setting drop-down shows Basic, Advanced, and Not Configured.

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