Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Threat to Data

Threats to Data is when threat agent can cause violation of CIA. Some examples of compromise

  • Confidentiality

- User account or system compromise
- Loss or theft of laptop, removable media, printed content
- Eavesdropping, shoulder surfing, sniffer, dumpster diving

  • Integrity

- Errors and Omission. People making mistake, simple mistake, not willful nor malicious in nature. I meant to type 10 while it so happened is 100.
- Insider Threat: Your accountant cooks the book by writing himself cheque of $10,000 while he was supposed to write for $1000.
- Man in the Middle
- Falsified invoices

  • Availability

- Hard disk drive crash
- Server failure, Newtork failure
- Corruption
- DoS, DDoS

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