Friday, January 17, 2020

Event ID 4625 - An account failed to logon

Event ID 4625 - An account failed to logon

Json log sample:

"EventTime": "2017/08/25 14:09:12"
"Hostname": ""
"Keywords": -9218868437227405312
"EventType": "AUDIT_FAILURE"
"SeverityValue": 4
"Severity": "ERROR"
"EventID": 4625
"SourceName": "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
"ProviderGuid": "{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}"
"Version": 0
"Task": 12544
"OpcodeValue": 0
"RecordNumber": 56611365
"ProcessID": 528
"ThreadID": 4672
"Channel": "Security"
"Message": "An account failed to log on."
"Category": "Logon"
"Opcode": "Info"
"SubjectUserSid": "S-1-0-0"
"SubjectUserName": "-"
"SubjectDomainName": "-"
"SubjectLogonId": "0x0"
"TargetUserSid": "S-1-0-0"
"TargetUserName": "MININT-UP26I95$"
"TargetDomainName": "changeme"
"Status": "0xc000006d"
"FailureReason": "%%2313"
"SubStatus": "0xc000006a"
"LogonType": "3"
"LogonProcessName": "NtLmSsp "
"AuthenticationPackageName": "NTLM"
"WorkstationName": "MININT-UP26I95"
"TransmittedServices": "-"
"LmPackageName": "-"
"KeyLength": "0"
"ProcessName": "-"
"IpAddress": ""
"IpPort": "65284"
"EventReceivedTime": "2017/08/25 14:09:12"
"SourceModuleName": "wineventlog_in"
"SourceModuleType": "im_msvistalog"

This event is very important and highly valuable. It documents all failed attempt to logon to the local computer regardless of logon type, location of the user or type of account.

Subject User Information:
This provides an information of account that request logon but not the actual user who logged on. This information are in general not that important from audit perspective but still there could be some cases where you would want to look into this. To find information regarding user who logged on we need to refer to Target User Information as below.

Target User Information:
"TargetUserSid" -> SID of an account
"TargetUserName" -> user who logged in
"TargetDomainName" -> domain name of user
"TargetLogonId" -> This is unique number between each reboot and it identifies each logon  session.
This provides an information about the user who just logged. To determine whether the account is local or domain compare TargetDomainName to the computer name.  If they match, the account is a local account on that system, otherwise a domain account.

Type of logon:
"LogonType" -> This defines the type of logon. Possible values are as follows


Status and Sub Status Code:

status and sub_status_codedescription
0XC000005EThere are currently no logon servers available to service the logon request.
0xC0000064user name does not exist
0xC000006Auser name is correct but the password is wrong
0XC000006DThis is either due to a bad username or authentication information
0XC000006EUnknown user name or bad password.
0xC000006Fuser tried to logon outside his day of week or time of day restrictions
0xC0000070workstation restriction or Authentication Policy Silo violation (look for event ID 4820 on domain controller)
0xC0000071expired password
0xC0000072account is currently disabled
0XC00000DCIndicates the Sam Server was in the wrong state to perform the desired operation.
0xC0000133clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync
0xc000015bThe user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine
0XC000018CThe logon request failed because the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.
0XC0000192An attempt was made to logon but the netlogon service was not started.
0XC0000193account expiration
0XC0000224user is required to change password at next logon
0xC0000225evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk
0xC0000234user is currently locked out
0XC0000413Logon Failure: The machine you are logging onto is protected by an authentication firewall. The specified   account is not allowed to authenticate to the machine.

Failure Reason:

Failure reasoninformation
%%2305The specified user account has expired. 
%%2309The specified account's password has expired. 
%%2310Account currently disabled. 
%%2311Account logon time restriction violation. 
%%2312User not allowed to logon at this computer. 
%%2313Unknown user name or bad password. 

Network Information:
"IpAddress" -> IP address of the computer where the user is physically present
"IpPort" -> source TCP port of the logon request
"WorkstationName" -> the computer name of the computer where the user is physically present.  Workstation may be blank in some Kerberos logons.

Why should you monitor this event?

  • To detect brute-force, dictionary, and other password guess attacks. Monitor sudden spike in failed logons.
  • To detect abnormal and possible malicious internal activity. Monitor a logon attempt from a disabled account or unauthorized workstation, users logging on outside of normal working hours, etc.
  • To benchmark Account lockout threshold policy setting. Determine number of failed login attempts before a user account gets locked.
  • To comply with regulatory mandates precise information surrounding failed logons is necessary.

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