Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Event ID 4776 - The Computer Attempted to Validate the Credentials for an Account

Event ID 4776 - The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account

Log Sample:

 "EventTime": "2017/11/17 04:04:12"
 "Hostname": "MPWXDC2.changeme.local"
 "Keywords": -9214364837600034816
 "EventType": "AUDIT_SUCCESS"
 "SeverityValue": 2
 "Severity": "INFO"
 "EventID": 4776
 "SourceName": "Microsoft-Windows-Security-Auditing"
 "ProviderGuid": "{54849625-5478-4994-A5BA-3E3B0328C30D}"
 "Version": 0
 "Task": 14336
 "OpcodeValue": 0
 "RecordNumber": 484069365
 "ProcessID": 564
 "ThreadID": 680
 "Channel": "Security"
 "Message": "The computer attempted to validate the credentials for an account."
 "Category": "Credential Validation"
 "Opcode": "Info"
 "TargetUserName": "C Jack"
 "Workstation": "DELL-LT-12"
 "Status": "0x0"
 "EventReceivedTime": "2017/11/17 04:04:12"
 "SourceModuleName": "wineventlog_in"
 "SourceModuleType": "im_msvistalog"

General Description
  • Logged every time that a credential validation occurs using NTLM authentication.
  • Occurs only on the computer that is authoritative for the provided credentials. For domain accounts, the domain controller is authoritative. For local accounts, the local computer is authoritative.
  • Shows successful and unsuccessful credential validation attempts.
  • Shows only the computer name (Workstation) from which the authentication attempt was performed (authentication source). For example, if you authenticate from CLIENT-1 to SERVER-1 using a domain account you will see CLIENT-1 in the Source Workstation field. Information about the destination computer (SERVER-1) is not presented in this event.
  • If a credential validation attempt fails, you will see a Failure event with Error Code parameter value not equal to “0x0”.
  • On domain controllers you can see all authentication attempts for domain accounts when NTLM authentication was used.
  • This event also generates when a workstation unlock event occurs.
However, if you wish to monitor local account logon attempts, use event “4624. Also, this event does not generate when a domain account logs on locally to a domain controller.

Other Details
  • TargetUserName: the name of the account that had its credentials validated by the Authentication Package. Can be user name, computer account name or well-known security principal account name. Examples:
User example: dadmin
Computer account example: WIN81$
Local System account example: Local
Local Service account example: Local Service
  • Workstation: the name of the computer from which the logon attempt originated.
  • Error Code: contains error code for Failure events. For Success events this parameter has “0x0” value. The table below contains most common error codes for this event:

Error CodeDescription
0xC0000064The username you typed does not exist. Bad username.
0xC000006AAccount logon with misspelled or bad password.
0xC000006D- Generic logon failure.
0xC000006FAccount logon outside authorized hours.
0xC0000070Account logon from unauthorized workstation.
0xC0000071Account logon with expired password.
0xC0000072Account logon to account disabled by administrator.
0xC0000193Account logon with expired account.
0xC0000224Account logon with "Change Password at Next Logon" flagged.
0xC0000234Account logon with account locked.
0xc0000371The local account store does not contain secret material for the specified account.
0x0No errors.
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