Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Powershell - AD DS Schema

Try It: AD DS Schema

In this Try It you will use the ADSIEdit tool to view objects in the Active Directory database.  
Note: Don't delete or change objects within the Active Directory partitions as this can cause your Active Directory environment to stop working correctly. The following is just to help conceptualize where and how this data is stored and managed.

  1. Logon to LON‑DC1 as Adatum\Administrator with the password Pa$$w0rd.
  2. Open a PowerShell prompt and type ADSIEdit to start the LDAP editor.
  3. ADSIEdit is a tool that can be used to view, change, create and delete any object in the Active Directory database.
  4. In the console tree, right-click ADSI Edit, and then select Connect to...
  5. In the Connection Point section, ensure that the Select a well known Naming Context dropdown menu displays Default naming context and then click OK.
  6. As soon as you're successfully connected, in the console tree, double-click Default naming context [LON-DC1.Adatum.com],DC=Adatum,DC=com, double-click DC=Adatum,DC=com,  and then click OU=Managers.
  7. Notice the different class types that are within the Managers object. For example, user and group.
  8. To identify an object, you will use a Distinguished Name. For example, the Distinguished Name for Ed Meadows is as follows: CN=Ed Meadows,OU=Managers,DC=Adatum,DC=com.
  9. Right-click CN=Ed Meadows and view the Properties.
  10. Scroll through the Attributes and their associated Values.
  11. As you have time, browse other parts of the AD DS database, but don't make any changes.
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