Thursday, July 30, 2015

Internet History, Technology, and Security - Week 5

History: Commercialization and Growth

1. What institution agreed to be responsible for web standards in 1994?
  • World-Wide-Web Consortium (W3C)
2. Between 1990 and 2006 the number of servers connected to the web grew from what to what?
  • 1 server to 120 million servers
3. What browser did Netscape ultimately turn into?
  • Firefox
4. How did the Mozilla foundation earn their money?
  • They added a search bar to their browser, and Google paid for the traffic directed to them.
5. What web technologies does Brendan Eich include as part of creating the capabilities we refer to as HTML5? (Choose all that apply)
  • CSS
  • Javascript
6. Why did JavaScript never fail in the beginning, as most new programming languages do? (Choose all that apply)
  • It was written to be malleable, allowing programmers to establish their own patterns and best practices.
  • It was written by someone who had prior experience constructing a language, and knew what pitfalls to avoid in creating the initial product


7. What was Mitchell Baker “fired” from Netscape for?
  • For repeatedly giving priority to the needs of the open source community over the needs of the commercial version of Netscape.
8. What was Tim Berners Lee’s goal with establishing web standards? (Choose all that apply)
  • To prevent the proprietary Balkanization of the web
  • To make sure that a single company could not determine the technical direction of the web


9. Why did Jeff Bezos chose to start by selling books?
  • Books are the category of items that have the most different products, making it impossible to have a brick and mortar store with the same level of inventory.


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