A computer virus is a piece of software that can “infect”
other programs by modifying them; the modification includes injecting the
original program with a routine to make copies of the virus program, which can
then go on to infect other programs. A computer virus carries in its
instructional code the recipe for making perfect copies of itself. The typical
virus becomes embedded in a program on a computer. Then, whenever the infected
computer comes into contact with an uninfected piece of software, a fresh copy
of the virus passes into the new program. Thus, the infection can be spread
from computer to computer by unsuspecting users who either swap disks or send
programs to one another over a network. In a network environment, the ability
to access applications and system services on other computers provides a perfect
culture for the spread of a virus.
A virus can do anything that other programs do. The
difference is that a virus attaches itself to another program and executes
secretly when the host program is run. Once a virus is executing, it can
perform any function, such as erasing files and programs that is allowed by the
privileges of the current user.
A computer virus has three parts:
Infection mechanism: The means by which a
virus spreads, enabling it to replicate. The mechanism is also referred to as the
infection vector.
Trigger: The event or condition that
determines when the payload is activated
or delivered.
Payload: What the virus does, besides
spreading. The payload may involve damage or may involve benign but noticeable
Dormant phase: The virus is idle. The
virus will eventually be activated by some event, such as a date, the presence
of another program or file, or the capacity of the disk exceeding some limit.
Not all viruses have this stage.
Propagation phase: The virus places a copy
of itself into other programs or into certain system areas on the disk. The
copy may not be identical to the propagating version; viruses often morph to
evade detection. Each infected program will now contain a clone of the virus,
which will itself enter a propagation phase.
Triggering phase: The virus is activated
to perform the function for which it was intended. As with the dormant phase,
the triggering phase can be caused by a variety of system events, including a
count of the number of times that this copy of the virus has made copies of
Execution phase: The function is
performed. The function may be harmless, such as a message on the screen, or
damaging, such as the destruction of programs and data files.

The following pseudocode fragment shows how a simple computer virus works.

The following pseudocode fragment shows how a simple computer virus works.
spread-condition then begin
for some set of target files do
if target is not infected then
determine where to
place virus instructions
copy instructions
from beginvirus to endvirus into target
alter target to
execute added instructions
perform some action(s)
beginning of infected program
A virus classification by target includes the
following categories:
Boot sector infector: Infects a master
boot record or boot record and spreads
when a system is booted from the disk
containing the virus.
File infector: Infects files that the
operating system or shell consider to be executable.
A virus classification by concealment strategy includes the
following categories:
Encrypted virus: A typical approach is as
follows. A portion of the virus creates a random encryption key and encrypts
the remainder of the virus. The key is stored with the virus. When an infected
program is invoked, the virus uses the stored random key to decrypt the virus.
When the virus replicates, a different random key is selected. Because the bulk
of the virus is encrypted with a different key for each instance, there is no
constant bit pattern to observe.
Stealth virus: A form of virus explicitly
designed to hide itself from detection
by antivirus software. Thus, the entire
virus, not just a payload is hidden.
Polymorphic virus: A virus that mutates
with every infection, making detection by the “signature” of the virus
virus: As with a polymorphic virus, a metamorphic virus
mutates with every infection. The difference is that a metamorphic virus
rewrites itself completely at each iteration, increasing the difficulty of
detection. Metamorphic viruses may change their behavior as well as their
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