Friday, March 24, 2017

CyberSecurity: Categories of Unethical Behavior - Policies and Law


Three general categories of Unethical Behavior are:
  1. Accident; who makes mistakes and result in threats to information
  2. Intent; intent of doing wrong
  3. Ignorance; they just don't know any better
Laws and policies deters because of following three conditions
  1. Fear of penalty
  2. Probability of being caught
  3. Probability of penalty being administered

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We always seek to deter unethical and illegal behavior. How do you do that as an information security professionals? use tools that is already available; they are
  1. Policy
  2. Education and Training
  3. Technology to protect information
Many studies has concluded that we can deter unethical behavior through the use of policies
and laws. However, for this to happen three conditions needs to be satisfied:
  1. The person who's about to violate the policy and commit the unethical or illegal behavior has to fear the penalty, which of course supposes that there is a penalty.
  2. The person has to expect that if they violate the policy or law, they have a high
    probability of being caught.
  3. The person has to expect that if caught, there is a high probability that the penalty will
    be applied – no let off with a warning.

1 comment:

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