Thursday, March 23, 2017

CyberSecurity: CyberSecurity Knowledge - Quiz

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 What does the “https://” at the beginning of a URL denote, as opposed to "http://" (without the “s”)?
  • That the site has special high definition
  • That information entered into the site is encrypted
  • That the site is the newest version available
  • That the site is not accessible to certain computers
  • None of the above
  • Not sure

Which of the following is an example of a “phishing” attack?
  • Sending someone an email that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look like an email from someone the person knows
  • Creating a fake website that looks nearly identical to a real website in order to trick users into entering their login information
  • Sending someone a text message that contains a malicious link that is disguised to look like a notification that the person has won a contest
  • All of the above
  • Not sure

A group of computers that is networked together and used by hackers to steal information is called a …
  • Botnet
  • Rootkit
  • DDoS
  • Operating system
  • Not sure

Which of the following four passwords is the most secure?
  • Boat123
  • WTh!5Z
  • into*48
  • 123456
  • Not sure
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Criminals access someone’s computer and encrypt the user’s personal files and data. The user is unable to access this data unless they pay the criminals to decrypt the files. This practice is called …
  • Botnet
  • Ransomware
  • Driving
  • Spam
  • None of the above
  • Not sure

“Private browsing” is a feature in many internet browsers that lets users access web pages without any information (like browsing history) being stored by the browser. Can internet service providers see the online activities of their subscribers when those subscribers are using private browsing?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Not sure

Turning off the GPS function of your smartphone prevents any tracking of your phone’s location.
  • True
  • False
  • Not sure
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If a public Wi-Fi network (such as in an airport or café) requires a password to access, is it generally safe to use that network for sensitive activities such as online banking?
  • Yes, it is safe
  • No, it is not safe
  • Not sure

What kind of cybersecurity risks can be minimized by using a Virtual Private Network (VPN)?
Use of insecure Wi-Fi networks
  • Key-logging
  • De-anonymization by network operators
  • Phishing attacks
  • Not sure
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  1. Encrypting information entered into a website makes it far more difficult for anyone other than the user and website owner to read the information. As of February 2017, around half of all internet traffic is now encrypted
  2. Phishing attacks attempt to get a user to click on a malicious link or file by impersonating a trusted source the user is familiar with. All three of the choices listed are examples of a phishing attack
  3. A rootkit is a type of malicious software designed to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. DDoS stands for Distributed Denial of Service, it is an attack where large amounts of requests are sent to a web server in order to overwhelm the server and shut it down
  4. This is the only example of two-step authentication listed – true two-step authentication requires the user to enter a one-time code each time they log in to their account, in addition to their regular username and password. While the other answers may require users to perform two separate operations to gain access to a site, they are not examples of two-step authentication.
  5. This password contains the basic elements of a strong password recommended by experts. It contains a combination of letters, numbers and symbols; it includes both upper and lower case letters; and it does not contain any words from the dictionary. For more information on creating strong passwords, see:
  6. Driving is short for for “war driving,” which is a technique where hackers drive around an area looking for insecure Wi-Fi networks.
  7. Private browsing prevents a user’s internet browser from storing certain kinds of files on his or her device. However, internet service providers can still see all of the details of the user's web traffic.
  8. In addition to GPS, smartphones can also be tracked using the cellphone towers or Wi-Fi networks that the phone is connected to.    
  9. Even if a public Wi-Fi network requires a password, other users can potentially view the sensitive information a user sends across that Wi-Fi network. For more information see:
  10. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) allows users to create an encrypted connection between their devices and the internet, making it much harder for anyone other than the user to see their activity.


  1. Aero cast is a High Speed (ISP) in Lucknow. An ISP, or internet service provider is a company that provides consumers and businesses access to the Internet.

  2. Aero cast is a High Speed (ISP) in Lucknow. An ISP, or internet service provider is a company that provides consumers and businesses access to the Internet.

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