Saturday, May 27, 2017

Cryptography: Finite Group and Abelian Group


Finite Group

If a group has a finite number of elements, it is referred to as a finite group, and the order of the group is equal to the number of elements in the group.

Otherwise, the group is an infinite group.

Abelian Group

A group is said to be abelian if it satisfies the following additional condition:

  (A5) Commutative: a Ÿb = b Ÿa for all a, b in G.

If the operation on the set elements is commutative, the group is called an abelian group.

The set of integers (positive, negative, and 0) under addition is an abelian group.

The set of nonzero real numbers under multiplication is an abelian group.

The set Sn from the preceding example is a group but not an abelian group for n > 2.

When the group operation is addition, the identity element is 0; the inverse element of a is –a; and subtraction is defined with the following rule: a - b = a + (-b).

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