Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Cryptogrpahy: AAA - Authorization

The second A in the AAA model refers to authorization. All right, the user has gone through identification to say he is someone and authentication to prove it. Now what? Do we let him see anything he wants? Do we let him do anything he wants? Authorization means that based on the user's credentials, we let him do certain things, we let him see certain things but not others. This is tied into the principle of least privilege, which states users and even devices, programs, and processes should be granted enough permissions to do their required functions and not a single drop more. Any authorization beyond normal job functions opens the door for either accidental or malicious violations of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. This is specifically why the recommendation is to never use an administrator or a root account on a system but rather an account with limited privileges. If your system gets infected with malware, it will run with the privileges of the user. Your account is granting authorization beyond that principle of least privilege. Of course, you can escalate your privileges when necessary or even use temporarily an administrator account, but this way, at least, it's not constant.

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