Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Cryptography: AAA - Accounting

The third A in the AAA model refers to accounting. Keeping track of users and their actions is very important. From a forensics perspective, tracing back to events leading up to a cybersecurity incident can prove very valuable to an investigation. Predicting what disgruntled employees might be up to, for example, with a certain number of failed login attempts to a server they are not authorized to access is made possible by accounting. A generic account for administrators or managers to share is not a very good idea. The accounting can't tie actions to an individual. The band The Police said it best, "Every move you make, I'll be watching you." Some companies that send employees on mandatory vacations claim they do so to avoid employee burnout; however when employee B steps into employee A's role while employee A is on the beach in Hawaii, employee B is performing checks and balances on employee A. Employee A could have been hiding or covering up log entries that are now able to be seen and revealed by employee B who is on the same level as employee A.

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