Tuesday, January 2, 2018

CyberSecurity: Security vs Convenience

Cybersecurity can be thought of as a seesaw. On one side you have security, and on the other side, convenience. When one side goes up, the other side goes down. Cybersecurity professionals have to figure out happy mediums to balance the seesaw. If you make one side too high, the other suffers. If you have little to no security implemented, users don't have to worry about things like authentication. But where would you be then? If you have security measures that are unduly high, you risk employees not being able to perform their jobs or even worse, trying to circumvent security perhaps by writing passwords down and putting them on sticky notes on the monitors or under the keyboards. It's a pain to take off a hat, a jacket, and shoes at the airport, but I feel safer on the plane knowing everyone else did so, too. Cybersecurity involves the same tradeoff.